Diane Goble, MS – Master Transition Coach

My Mission

My mission as a Transition Coach is to empower my clients to overcome fear of death and dying by providing them with the methods and resources to be in control of this profound transformational journey we all get to experience no matter what one’s physical or mental condition– by preparing long before the time comes and being in control when it does.

What is a Transition Coach?

A Transition Coach functions as a facilitator to empower the patient to take control of his or her own end-of-life decisions from terminal prognosis to transition and final disposition coaching the patient and caregiver to play an active and informed role in developing and carrying out a personalized end-of-life strategy.

What is Advance Care Planning?

End-of-life or advance care planning involves making decisions about one’s circumstances and the care we expect when we’re not able to speak or communicate our wishes ourselves, such as in the case of a stroke or heart attack, a sudden accident or near the end of a long life.

In these written documents, we appoint a healthcare representative we trust to carry out our wishes and include directions as to whether we want artificial hydration or feeding, if or how long we’d want to be on life support and what treatments we’d accept, including surgeries, procedures, treatments, blood transfusions, resuscitation– from do everything to do nothing.

It also includes one’s personal decisions your healthcare representative may have to advocate for you concerning how to pay for the health care and what to do after the death, such as organ donation, funeral and burial arrangements, writing our obituary, and many other details that come with wrapping up one’s life on earth.

Featured Image -- 1966

When Should I Consult a Transition Coach?

While there is never a good time to be told there is nothing more medical science can do for a person and no way to predict the course any illness will take, the sooner the patient and the family start talking about a plan and dealing with the what ifs, the less stress on all concerned, and the more peaceful and loving the entire process will be. The family may be at odds with the wishes of the patient or each other, sometimes old hurt feelings stir up arguments, and the Transition Coach will facilitate family discussions to bring about forgiveness and healing.

Even when there is one more clinical trial or one more new drug to try, the Coach will facilitate the family’s involvement in planning for palliative care, organizing caregivers, home health aides, in-home ADA adjustments through various health changes, and finding help from various agencies and services. With the help of the Transition Coach, time spent writing one’s Will and Advance Healthcare Directive, looking into assisted living arrangements and hospice services, thinking about memorial services, deciding on burial or cremation arrangements, discussing DNRs, POLSTs and Death With Dignity options, can  replace the worrying and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness about the patient’s medical issues and health concerns during this stressful time.

Does the Transition Coach Help the Caregivers?

The goal of the Transition Coach is to build a team of caregivers around the patient to support the patient’s journey. The primary caregiver may be the main contact person with the Transition Coach and the second question is always “and how are you doing?”

Caregiver burn-out is inevitable among loving people who want to do everything they can to keep their loved one comfortable, and free from pain and suffering. The Transition Coach will help the primary caregiver come up with a stress management plan that involves the family and all caregivers involved.

What is the Role of the Transition Coach?

The role of the Transition Coach is not to be a service broker or care manager, but rather, to provide support, guidance, resources, and spiritual comfort to the patient and caregiver(s) as they explore the workbook Beyond the Veil: Our journey home by Diane Goble. The Transition Coach may facilitate discussions between the patient and caregiver, and other family members to get everyone on the same page with decision-making or help clarify values and mediate belief differences when it comes to changes in health conditions and end of life decisions.

Metoilus Meditation

What Action Can You Take Now?

It is suggested that interested parties first purchase a copy of the workbook Beyond the Veil: Our journey home which may be ordered here or from any online or onland bookstore. After reading through the workbook, if you and your family think you may be interested in working through it with a Transition Coach you’re invited to email Diane to request an appointment for a free half hour phone or Skype call to assess your needs and help you make a decision to proceed to the next step.


What’s the Next Step?

If you decide you’d like to work with a Transition Coach, we’ll set up payment arrangements and book an appointment for a phone or Skype call. During that call, we’ll go through an initial needs assessment, which could take an hour or more, and result in a coaching plan.

For the coaching plan, some people prefer a weekly phone call, others want to be able to call when questions come up. There may be more frequent calls early on, then less need for a period, then greater need as the end nears. You can email a list of questions and we’ll discuss them during phone calls. You can text if it’s a short, quick question or emergency. Every case is different and Diane is flexible… Email


Diane Goble, MSCC, CCHt

Master Transition Coach


Diane Goble has a Master’s Degree in Psychology (CSULB, 1983) and another in Clinical Hypnotherapy (St. John’s U, 1992). Over the years she has taught stress management, had a practice in hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy, became an ordained spiritual minister, meditation teacher, and was a hospice volunteer off and on for over 25 years in Florida, California and Oregon. She is the author of Beyond the Veil: Our journey home, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cosmic Consciousness, Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness, Sitting in the Lotus Blossom and the website BeyondtheVeil.net (1996-2018).


In 1971, at age 30, Diane drowned while white water rafting and had an extensive near-death experience, which is what changed her life path and led her to return to education and eventually to explore the field of death and dying. She is the author of Beyond the Veil: Our journey home, which is based on an online course she developed in 2007 to train Transition Guides (Death Doulas, Spiritual Midwives) to empower terminally ill patients to take control of their own end of life planning. You can read her extraordinary journey into the afterlife in the book.  After training a number of practitioners from around the world, she turned that training course into a workbook, which patients and caregivers could use together for advance planning and learning the Art of Conscious Dying… being aware of and involved in one’s personal transformational journey home.

Butterfly Metamorphosis

The message I was given to share with those whose lives I touch is that WE don’t die! Only our physical form expires while the essence of who we are is released and returns home in full consciousness– an exhilarating Aha! moment of understanding everything while being filled with overwhelming love, peace and joy… finally remembering who we really are and what the heck this lifetime on planet Earth was all about… being greeted by our loved ones who have gone on before us, and the realization that we are returning home to the Source of our being– from whence we came.

I don’t just base this on my own experience. I’ve been reading other experiences and participating in and following the literature concerning the research into the survival of consciousness after death for decades. These experiences are not hallucinations or delusions or wishful thinking… and I believe so many are surfacing now because it’s time for humanity to collectively wake up and realize there is  more to “life and death” than we’ve been led to believe and a higher purpose for humans to exist and maintain this planet for that purpose.

My story of transformation is in Chapter 10 of The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences: How the Messages of NDEs Positively Impact the World by Dr. Penny Sartori and Kelly Walsh…


My coaching is non-denominational yet adaptable to any belief system or none. I respect all religions and beliefs for their intrinsic beauty and compassion but do not hold one over another. In the Light I found only Universal Love at the Source.  My mission as a Transition Coach is to empower my client families with the resources and tools to assist them in carrying out their personal last wishes and final arrangements for a peaceful conscious dying experience based on their own values and beliefs.


If Beyond the Veil: Our journey home resonates with you and your beliefs, feel free to use all the resources it contains. If you feel you and your family could benefit from having the Transition Coach who wrote the book on it available to help you and your family work through the difficult parts, schedule a free half-hour phone or Skype conversation with Diane to assess your needs… email


If, after your initial conversation, you decide you and your family would feel comfortable working with a Transition Coach, we’ll book an appointment for a phone or Skype call and set up initial payment arrangements through PayPal. During the call, we’ll go through an initial assessment of your needs, which could take about an hour, and develop a Coaching Plan.

  • For the Coaching Plan, some clients prefer a scheduled weekly phone call; others want to be able to call when questions come up
  • There may be more frequent calls early on, then less need for a period, then greater need as health changes
  • It is up to the client to end the phone session. There is a 30 minute minimum (except for pre-paid plans) and two hours is the upper limit
  • If Client has a time limit, please say so at beginning of call. The Coach may do the same
  • Clients may email a list of questions ahead to be discussed during phone calls to save explanation time
  • Clients may text if it’s a short, quick question or emergency and Diane will respond as quickly as possible (no charge)

Fee Schedule

  • Diane only works with a limited number of clients at a time and for many families the duration may extend over six months or longer so there may be a waiting list at times.
  • Diane is available every day between the hours of 9:00 am and 9:00 pm PST for phone or Skype calls by appointment only, and will respond to texts and emails as soon as possible
  • New clients are charged $25 to book initial appointment and create client file
  • Ongoing clients may book appointment times with 24 hours notice
  • For cancellations, please give 24 hours notice
  • Time begins at connection and stops when client requests end of conversation
  • Diane will keep a timer and it is suggested client do as well to keep track of how much time passes
  • Coaching time is billed at $1.00 per minute
  • Pre-paid packages for 3 hours, 5 hours and 10 hours are available
  • Internet research and transmittal @$25 per hour (payable prior to transmittal)

National Healthcare Decisions Day is April 16th…

for the month of April 2018

 10% off on pre-paid hours for new clients

who book their 1st contact during the month of April

  3 hours $180 = $162

  5 hours $300 = $270

10 hours $600 = $540

Enter appropriate payment amount thru PayPal


Photo by Cat Connor


Diane Goble, Master Transition Coach



Facebook Page: Death and other taboo topics

Facebook Group: Having The Conversation about Dying and Death

The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

How the Messages of NDEs Positively Impact the World

About 3 years ago, a woman named Kelly Walsh from the UK contacted me and told me about a spiritually transformative experience she had following her suicide attempt, from which she woke up exclaiming like-minded souls would collaborate to change the world!

Not knowing exactly what that meant nor what it had to do with her, she began searching the internet for others who had glimpses into other realities, especially near-death experiencers. Along the way she came across Dr. Penny Satori, a nurse in the UK who researched near-death experiences among her patients for her PhD and just released her book “The Wisdom of the Near-Death Experience,” and she had just had a baby, when Kelly approached her with the idea for another book. She gave Kelly the task of finding the “like-minded souls” and that’s how she found me and about 20 others whose stories of transformation are now available in this November 2o17 release The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences: How the Messages of NDEs Positively Impact the World by Dr Penny Sartori and Kelly Walsh (Watkins).

Foreword by Dr. Mick Collins, author of The Unselfish Spirit

Prologue by Neale Donald Walsch, author of the Conversations With God series

A chapter by Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of Love, Medicine & Miracles

Each of us “like-minded souls” have done some amazing spiritually-guided work individually following our transformative experiences, which we each write about in our chapters (I am Chapter 10), and the purpose of this book is to support a non-profit foundation our Positivity Princess Kelly set up to fund positive programs to help children around the world rise out of suffering and poverty… a collaboration to change the world.  ALL royalties from the book go to the Love Care Share Foundation. The first project involves building a school in Cambodia.


“A comforting portrayal of the infinite healing power of love, and the sense of connectedness with the universe that arises from such profound experiences.” —Eben Alexander, MD, neurosurgeon and author of Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven.

The Transformative Power of NDEs has the power within its pages to open the hearts minds and souls of every person that reads it.” —Anita Moorjani, NDEr and New York Times Best Selling Author of Dying to Be Me.

The Transformative Power of NDEs grabs your heart and won’t let go.” PMH Atwater, LHD, NDEr and author of 15 NDE books.

Other endorsements by NDE researchers: Drs. Pim van Lommel, Bruce Greyson & Jeffrey Long

The Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

How Messages from NDEs Positively Impact the World

by Dr Penny Sartori and Kelly Walsh

After you read the book, PLEASE go back to amazon.com or your favorite bookselller and write a review (it will help increase book sales with all royalties going to fund programs to help children around the world through the Love Care Share Foundation.

near death experience

Near-Death versus Nearly Died

I’ve been involved with trying to understand and describe the Near-Death Experience since I had one on 7/18/1971, almost 45  years ago, and have seen it evolve from being called a religious experience to a psychotic break to hallucinations to confirmation that consciousness survives death of the body and proof of life after death. I’ve also seen it turned into something meaningless by people who could have been killed or nearly died or who had a close brush with death, such as this fish who had a series of unfortunate events–

neardeathNearly dying or even being resuscitated after one’s heart stops, is not a “near-death” experience as defined by Dr. Raymond Moody (Life After Life), who coined the term. What makes an event a near-death experience is becoming aware one is outside their physical body, still conscious, still able to see and hear what’s going on around them, with the ability to move through solid walls. Conscious awareness leaves the body and exists independently then returns to the body and remembers an out-of-body experience. Some people may only experience a brief glimpse and then their consciousness quickly returns to their body; some nothing at all; others may travel toward the Light, meet other beings, have multiple experiences in other dimensions, and be given the choice to return to their body. A brief flash or an extended period of time out of body, these are all near-death experiences.

There have been attempts in literature to explain these strange experiences, perhaps from psychedelic drug trips of the authors. I’d say from my own experiments with drugs trying to recreate my own near-death experience that Lewis Carrol probably did mushrooms (I saw all those strange underground people too) and Frank Baum probably did cocaine (I would compare it to LSD visions but it wasn’t around in 1900). It’s the shift from black and white to colors in Oz that make me think so. But not a one of them was comparable to my near-death experience.

1185114_825710760778035_1846995168_nI’ve seen some weird shit too that is very difficult to put into words that accurately describe what I experienced but since I experimented with LSD, cocaine, mushrooms, and MDMA (Ecstasy) 15 years later hoping to recreate my NDE, I have something to compare it to. I remember the details and the emotions I experienced during my NDE, but very little from any drug experiences even though they were more recent. The NDE changed who I am, the drugs did not. I have no fear of death since my NDE. The main thing I found is that every drug trip felt unreal, unnatural, bizarre, strange, not quite right, out of my control in one way or another. During my NDE, everything seemed more real than life on earth, like this was home, this was the true reality and I felt loved unconditionally, that I belonged, that I had done this dying thing before, and it’s all part of our spiritual journey. When I talk with another near-death experiencer, we know exactly what we’re trying to convey. We can finish each others sentences. But to try to tell someone who hasn’t been there is difficult.

I have to use analogies from the physical world. The closest I can come using a visual comparison to “seeing the Light” in the physical world is if you were SCUBA diving in crystal clear ocean waters, down about 50-60 feet… turn over on your back, become very still and look up at the surface of the water. In this crystal clear water, it seems like there is nothing between you and the surface, and you are simply hovering in space. There is no gravity or pressure on your physical body so it seems as if you are simply one with everything. And there is this light shining down from the surface. It is the sun, with rays of light that extend across the top of the water making it sparkle and twinkle like diamonds. Tiny water droplets form orbs that flirt about as if they might be angels. You can look into the light but it doesn’t hurt your eyes. It’s compelling, almost calls you to it; beckons you to join it, become one with it. And when we do, we remember who we really are and what we learned along the way.

And that’s what dying is about. It’s a welcome home after a sojourn on planet Earth. We just can’t re-create that with a drug trip. A drug trip can be a great experience or a terrible experience, it could expand your consciousness or shut down your mind. A near-death experience may cure cancer and heal a broken body or a wounded soul.

We’ll just have to wait until our bodies give out to experience that bliss and, really, drugs are an experience not a lifestyle… in the meantime we’re here to have fun, learn, explore, create, imagine, invent, play, learn to communicate, have relationships, help each other grow and thrive, figure out who we are and why we came here, so Earth remains one of the best places to live an occasional lifetime as a human along our eternal spiritual journey.

• • •

The 8th annual

Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale

July 1 through July 31

This promotion represents a massive collaborative effort where thousands of Smashwords authors and small independent publishers show their appreciation to readers by offering their titles at exclusive deep discounts of 25% off, 50% off, 75% off and FREE. Use code SFREE at checkout.

All of Diane Goble’s ebooks are FREE at Smashwords

Conversations with a Near-Death Experiencer

More Conversations with a Near-Death Experiencer

The above two ebooks are combined in a single Kindle version titled


How to Die Consciously: Secrets from Beyond the Veil

Available in paperback and Kindle version titled BEYOND THE VEIL: OUR JOURNEY HOME

The Path to Peace & Joy

Reincarnation and the Evolution of Consciousness

Sitting in the Lotus Blossom



Conversations about end of life issues with Diane Goble




Chapter Four

Death & Dying

Conversations About End-of-Life Issues

The following are a series of emails  from an on-going conversation I had with a pediatric ICU nurse over several months in 1999.

Dear Diane,

Thanks for writing back. It’s nice to have someone to chat with that’s on the same wavelength. Ditto about the lessons. We are all searching and if we keep an open mind the truth of the universe will be revealed to us. I have been reading Conversations With God and I find it refreshing. I am amazed at the similarity of thought that I read in the book and my own views. More amazing still is that the things presented by the God entity are word for word things that I have said and opinions that I share with friends and family. Not that I think I am so enlightened only that I feel it represents a much broader belief system. It is like the universal unconscious or conscious or whatever it was that Jung wrote about. I just think these things are widely held belief systems. Conflict occurs when humans stray from this universal belief and that is where the darkness comes in. We all know on some level the truth and we are like the salmon swimming upstream to arrive back at the beginnings.

So about my patients. I love my little “hemers” as we affectionately call them. That means hematology-oncology patients. Talk about huge lessons in a hurry. I think if you subscribe to the thought that we choose our paths, then these souls are truly great and distinguished. There is so much suffering that they must endure physically. Then there are the lessons again. Sometimes the mechanics and dynamics of the family pretty much tell the story. I had a darling little girl that I took care of named Mary. Her mom was extremely involved and knowledgeable about the physical aspects of the little girl’s tumor and in the techniques involved in her care. The mom spoke like a dr. to the dr.s, a nurse to the nurses, and not at all did she speak to the child. It broke my heart that there was not much of a relationship with the precious little girl yet there was an incredible bond with the child’s illness. The child’s tumor was not about to go into remission and remission was the only hope they had of getting the child to a place where they could do a marrow transplant. All the time I heard the mom say we can’t stop trying to get a remission because then the tumor will take over and she won’t get a transplant. All the talk revolved around the disease state and what the next round of chemo would be. I said to the mom what chance do they give for recovery with the transplant. It was less than 50 percent. I told her that transplants were incredibly difficult for patients to endure and a less than 50 percent chance wasn’t the best odds. She said there wasn’t any other choice. I got the distinct feeling that the woman was not so afraid of losing her daughter as she was of losing this illness. It gave this woman a way to interact with people in the only safe way she knew how. It was a technical cold relationship that she forged but anything closer would have been threatening to her. I saw in the midst of all this a woman who was most likely the product of a sterile unloving home. (She was germaphobic, too.)

Well I guess I have made a short story long once again, as I seem to do . At any rate there was a huge sacrifice on the part of this child. This mom had to lose a child to get into the place of learning how to build relationships. I wonder if the woman ever got a clue. The child had an explosive tumor growth and died quickly without getting a transplant. No dr. ever said to this family that the transplant was a long shot. No one dared to suggest that perhaps the most humane thing to do would be to take the child home. How ridiculous it would be to suggest that they simply hold and love their precious baby and tell her of a place where suffering is absent. That there is a place that is warm and loving as anything she had ever known. To tell her that it was a pleasure and a joy to share the time they had with her courageous spirit and all that they had learned from her brave fight. It gets easier and easier for me to express myself to these families and to these children. I know of my God’s plan for this world and that we mortals haven’t control over how it comes down. Come down it will, come hell or high water and we’ve certainly seen a lot of both of those things recently!!! Thanks so much for being there to share with me. I love you for that!!! Let me hear from you again soon.

Love, Penelope

Dear Penelope,

Interesting story about Mary and her mother, how people handle these difficult situations. She resorted to intellectualism and forgot to love. I think doctors hold out hope as a carrot to people even when there is no hope and wonder when someone will have the good sense to stand up and say it’s time to prepare for death. Human beings fight so much against death that they’ll believe anything.

I get letters from people who opted for the life saving surgery and their loved one died anyway, now they feel guilty. And others who decided against the surgery and the person died and now they feel guilty. It’s too bad death has such a bad reputation! I remember back when organ donation was becoming a big issue but everyone was afraid to ask, maybe someday we’ll have the courage to say it’s time to go home, how can we help you prepare? The right to die is the next big issue!

Peace & Joy! Diane

Dear Diane,

I have no special affection for physical death that is for sure, but I don’t fear it either and interestingly enough I find that the more one practices being close to spirit in trying times the easier it gets. I had another tragic and unexpected death of a child in our ER on Sunday and I took the opportunity to pray with the child’s grieving parents…

To read more of this fascinating conversation…


Kindle version $3.99

• • •

Is there an Afterlife or is it just wishful thinking? –Diane Goble


Chapter Nine

Spiritual, but not Religious

What makes people think that they are somehow exempt?

Dear Diane,

While the topic of whether or not there is an ‘afterlife’ is all very interesting, I cannot help but wonder if this is nothing more than a case of wishful thinking on the part of those who cannot accept the inevitability of life’s end. It also raises the question of whether such an outcome (‘life’ after death) is even desirable. Maybe it’s just me, but I find the notion of ‘eternal life’ to be an abhorrent one, and by the way, what is the ultimate objective to all of this endless evolution of ‘the soul’ (whatever that is)? ‘Perfection’? ‘Oneness’? Does anyone know, and if not why not? Nothing in nature is half-eternal, and by this I mean that there is nothing in nature that has a beginning but no ending, so my question is this: what makes people think that they are somehow exempt from this rule?


• • • • •

Dear Paul,

It’s certainly a question pondered by many.

Personally I was quite comfortable not believing in an after life. My younger sister was killed when I was 10 and although I had after death communication with her I dismissed it as an adult and convinced myself dead was dead. I wasn’t religious, didn’t go to church, and was at least agnostic when this strange experience happened to me and it was so real, so amazing, so wondrous, so inexplicable, so loving that it profoundly changed me.

I tried unsuccessfully to explain what happened but I couldn’t find the words. Everyone acted like I was crazy, babbling nonsense. So I denied it and repressed it for years. Had it been a dream or wishful thinking, it never would have come back and demanded expression. Why would I put myself out there if it hadn’t happened? I returned to life with a mission to open others to the light that there is more to life than we’ve been led to believe… this was not where my life was going before this happened to me.

I’m not trying to force my perspective on anyone, just share what happened to me and let them draw their own conclusions… but I gotta tell you, I see a lot of miserable people out there in the world who think they have all the answers while I love my life. I live this calm, peaceful, serene, happy, joyful life filled with love and beauty, fully aware that while I may die at any moment, my life continues to evolve in other dimensions of a Universe that is so vast that eternity is not long enough.

What we “do” as spiritual beings in the afterlife is beyond human understanding but I promise you, it’s not boring (Possibility: As spiritual beings, we are co-creators of the physical universe). We are so far removed from anything resembling the physical dimension at this point that “life” as a human being is inconceivable just as “a being filled with the Love of God” is beyond human comprehension. We are energy, we are light, we only exist as human beings when we pass through the physical dimension… for a moment.

We are not human beings… we are spiritual beings having human experiences… we are in the world but not of it. “People” aren’t exempt, only spiritual beings are eternal.

Bless you on your spiritual path.

Peace & Joy!


• • • • •

Dear Diane,

When I wrote my little letter in your guestbook I didn’t really expect that I would receive a response from anyone to what I had discussed within it, but this is really a pleasant surprise – thank you :). You may perhaps have deduced from my comments that I am far too cynical, and a little too demanding in the level of proof I require before accepting something as a reality. The truth of the matter is that I am not really as closed-minded as that letter may suggest, and after having looked over it again I’m kind of embarrassed by it. Of all the phenomena which could be, for want of a better term, classed as ‘New Age’ (I hope that term does not offend you – I myself can’t stand it), the research results and/or evidence that has been gathered thus far regarding NDE’s actually indicates that there is, in fact, much more to life than merely this present physical existence of ours. This is a topic which should be discussed openly, without any fear of ridicule or derision on the part of self-proclaimed sceptics, who have their own ulterior motives for silencing debate on this, and many other, issues. I hope that my letter has had more of a positive impact than a negative one to this overall debate.

Once again, thank you for responding to my message and, of course, for telling me, a complete stranger, about the life-altering experience you had.

God bless, all the best, and bye….


• • •


This book contains emails from people all over the world who wanted to ask questions of a Near-Death Experiencer–

maybe you have a similar question and will find the answer you are seeking here.

• • • • •

Why am I having panic attacks over fear of dying?


Excerpt from

Chapter Two

Panic attacks over fear of dying

Dear Diane,

I am a 34-year-old mother of two, fairly healthy ( I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 1987) I am a Christian and believe the Bible is God inspired and that what it tells me about death and dying are true. The problem is I suffer with depression and anxiety and with that, overwhelming thoughts of myself or family members dying. I feel guilt because it seems as though I have a lack of “faith.” I wake up thinking about dying and go to sleep thinking about it. I can’t do ANYTHING without thinking is this the day I will die? I am no longer working because of the panic attacks I have and I have a hard time being productive during the day because I am in fear all the time. I am under a doctor’s care and in no way suicidal. I am not sure of your beliefs (spiritual,) but as a Christian could your experience help me?

I look forward to your reply.


• • • • • • •

Dear Kate,

I suggest you read more NDE stories, many of them are by Christians, to reassure yourself. I’d guess you are like most religious people who accept what they are told but don’t really believe it. They will tell you to have faith, because they can’t prove anything, and that doubt is a weakness, but doubt is telling you that what you’ve been told to believe doesn’t fit– isn’t right, and should lead you to further seeking for the truth. Your anxiety and panic stem from fear of the unknown. Near-death experiencers have made it known. There is nothing to fear because we (the essence of who we are) do not die.

We are spiritual beings having human experiences.

The Bible may be God-inspired, but God didn’t stop inspiring, nor just start inspiring, 2,000 years ago. And there is always a deeper meaning in its words to inspire us to further understanding. This I realized during my NDE during which it all made perfect sense. I won’t tell you anything that can’t be found in the Bible– if you can draw the deeper meaning from the words. Kate, there is no death. Only our bodies die. We simply step out of them when they no longer serve us and go on with our lives in full consciousness, finally remembering who we really are, and that there is so much more to life that we simply forgot when we ensouled a human body.

We have a body, but we are not this body.

We are in the world, but not of it.

This is Jesus’ message.

He also said that we can do all that he could do… and more.

The best thing we can do, knowing that we may well die before we take our next breath, is to live life to the fullest in every moment. When our body ceases to function, we are quickly filled with the overwhelming, unconditional love of God and have complete understanding of All That Is. Yet there is little joy at that wonderful moment if we have regrets that we didn’t live our life to the fullest because we feared something that wasn’t real.

Learning meditation, practicing deep breathing, would be very helpful to overcome depression-anxiety-panic attacks.

Prayer is talking to God; meditation is listening to God.

You will meet God in the Silence of your mind and find the answers you are seeking. Knowing that you do not die and nothing can really hurt you, will help you battle the demons that you have conjured up from the religious dogma you have accepted. The demons are not real, only God’s Love is real.

Peace & Joy!


AmazonCoverThis book contains emails from people all over the world who wanted to ask questions of a Near-Death Experiencer–

maybe you have a similar question and will find the answer you are seeking here.

Near-Death Experiencer provides comfort to the dying and their caregivers


Our Journey Home


by Diane Goble

Diane Goble had a near-death experience in 1971 and was given certain information to bring back with her to share with others. For the past 40 years she has been working in the field of death and dying as a spiritual counselor, hospice volunteer, and is the author of several books and a major NDE web site, Beyond the Veil.

She created a training course to teach people to be Transition Guides for those who are getting ready to leave their bodies and return to their spiritual home– according to their own beliefs. Her message is that we don’t die, only our bodies die– but we don’t need them any more. Our consciousness survives the death of our body. We are beautiful spiritual beings of light on an eternal journey and shedding our skin is part of our spiritual growth and the evolution of consciousness.

In “Beyond the Veil: Our Journey Home,” Goble condensed her Transition Guide Training Program into a handbook for caregivers and patients. It offers a simple, non-denominational method of meditation and guided imagery practice to help us remember who we really are while still in our body and when we awaken on the other side.

Diane-BtV4x4“By practicing to die consciously before we die physically,” she says, “we are prepared and aware of what’s happening when we find ourselves out of our body– no matter how it died.”

This book is for every one because we are all, after all, going to die one day, but it is especially for anyone who has received a diagnosis of an illness that has even the slightest potential to cause death and for adult children caring for their aging parents. It will help you and your family to have the conversations you need to have about end of life care, last wishes and quality of life and death. It will help the person leaving reconcile his or her life and prepare for a peaceful transition on their own terms.

You’ll find information about palliative and hospice care, final arrangements, and Death With Dignity laws. You’ll delve into the subject of near-death experiences and the current research into the survival of consciousness, and the ancient mysteries that gave birth to our understanding of death and the afterlife. This is no ordinary book and it is guaranteed to change your life!

Available in paperback and Kindle at amazon.com

and all major book retailers






Readers’ questions to a near-death experiencer at BeyondtheVeil.net


Chapter Ten

As a bonus, I’ve added two articles that I posted on an earlier version of my website, BeyondtheVeil.net, under “Spiritual Lessons.” This one relates to my own spiritual journey of awakening to higher consciousness thinking and living since my Near-Death Experience in 1971.

The Challenge of Being Human

Awakenings are really rememberings because our Soul already knows everything. It is a challenge to each human being to remember that we are Souls having human experiences– awakening to our higher consciousness. All the struggle falls away… all the suffering, the grief, the anger, the mistrust. All the fear dissolves when we recognize ourselves as spiritual beings come here to experience the joy of being animated in the physical world.

An evolution of consciousness is the central motive of terrestrial existence.

–Sri Aurobindo

• • •

Read the entire article in

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cosmic Consciousness

available exclusively on Kindle

Learn more about the author at BeyondtheVeil.net

Journey of a Mystic – a spiritual awakening




Readers’ questions to a near-death experiencer at BeyondtheVeil.net


Chapter Ten

As a bonus, I’ve ended this ebook with two articles that were originally posted on an earlier version of my website, BeyondtheVeil.net, under “Spiritual Lessons.” This one relates to my own spiritual journey of awakening to higher consciousness thinking and living since my Near-Death Experience in 1971.

Journey of a Mystic

 In conclusion…

I feel the more information we have about how the universe works, the easier it is to conceptualize things that are beyond our normal understanding. It gives us a broader frame of reference to help us make sense out of it and fit into our thinking processes so we begin to see it in our Mind’s Eye during our meditations. This is the Time for Science and Spirit to reunite.

Sometimes when you hear a concept explained many different ways, the whole picture suddenly emerges. It’s hard to see the picture when you’re in the frame, you need to step back and take a wider view. This is how our minds synthesize knowledge. We suddenly get an Aha! or the light goes on, and we say, of course, I knew that, I just never heard it explained that way before! We’ve had a sudden Realization, taken a leap in consciousness, and will find it easier to grasp other higher concepts that eluded us previously. It’s about waking up to the truth and no longer being seduced by those who seek to control the masses through fear and intimidation.

So don’t just take my word for it, I’m not asking anyone to believe what I’m writing is anything but the ramblings of a delusional mind. I didn’t ask to have a near-death experience 44 years ago but I did, and what I’m writing is because of it. I see the whole and understand it from a higher perspective. The difficulty is putting it into words that will awaken others. That is my challenge in this life. I’m just putting it out there as I see it through my life and death experiences, and hoping others will think about it, add it to their growing knowledge, and continue seeking Wisdom.

If you want to see how easy it is to change your mind with new information, to shift your perception, check out this popular illusion…


Is it an old woman or a young woman?

Look again.

Can you shift your perspective at will…

or will you argue for your point of view?

• • •

Read the entire article in

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Cosmic Consciousness

available exclusively on Kindle